Saturday, February 2, 2013

Enio Bonchev - 2012 Rose oil production.avi

Bulgarian Rose is such a wonderful aroma. A truly enchanting scent. A marvelous ingredient in your Perfume, your lotion or even in your cup of tea. It is extremely feminine and the scent lingers and becomes very memorable.
It takes a great deal of rose petals to get oil and the process for harvesting is amazing. It is perfect to share on this Pink Saturday! For more wonderful pretty pink roses please visit Beverly at "How Sweet the Sound".
Thank you for sharing a wonderful moment with me this Pink Saturday!


  1. Thanks for sharing the harvesting of roses! I can honestly say I haven't seen anything like this. Very Interesting! I can imagine the beautiful aroma. Happy Pink Saturday!

  2. This was very interesting! Thank you for sharing and honestly I can smell the aroma now! Beautiful Pink Saturday share!

  3. I bet it smells so good in there.

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